Does autism worsen as a child grows older? This is a critical question for parents of autistic children. Autism symptoms do not have to worsen as the child grows older. If parents address their child's health and educational difficulties, autism symptoms can improve with age.
According to a new study released by the Institute for Autistic Research, the severity of autism symptoms may vary with age. It used data from 125 children with autism spectrum disorder recruited for the Autism Phenome Project. Researchers discovered that roughly half of the children's symptoms changed, with some worsening over time.
On the other hand, children with lower IQs had more severe symptoms in childhood. This research implies that increased IQ at a younger age is an essential predictor of autism severity. Furthermore, children with higher IQs had less severe symptoms at this age. The study's findings are consistent with earlier research that suggests that higher brain age is related to decreasing ASD severity.
Autism must be detected early for the kid to get appropriate therapy. Early intervention treatment can usually help kid control their symptoms and enhance their quality of life. Some children, however, may grow out of the symptoms ultimately, and a diagnosis of autism may not be established until the kid is an adult.
Many variables can impact an autistic person's age at which they are diagnosed with ASD. Gender, the shadowing of an ID, medicine, and early intervention are among these influences. Comorbid disorders should be included in the future study when diagnosing ASD.
Autistic older persons were shown to be more prone to suffer medical illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer in one research. They were also more likely to have psychosis, attention deficit, and personality problems. Researchers expect that future studies will look into these consequences further.
Other disorders that might influence autistic people's capacity to learn, acquire social skills, and operate in everyday life are comorbid conditions. Early detection and treatment of these problems can enhance a child's health and learning ability. They can also cause various psychological issues, which doctors with a specific understanding can handle.
The study also discovered a substantial link between autistic people's age upon diagnosis and concurrent medical issues. Although the relationship between age and comorbid diseases in autistic persons is complicated, many of these disorders have therapies. They have the potential to improve the quality of life for autistic youngsters. Unfortunately, many autistic persons do not have proper healthcare access.
Although the frequency of autism has grown in recent decades, it is still unknown what causes the disorder. Environmental variables can play a role in some circumstances. Food allergies, pesticides, heavy metal toxicity, and vitamin shortages are issues. Autism is also linked to premature birth.
For example, occupational therapy teaches youngsters how to adapt to social circumstances. This form of treatment works best with younger children. However, it is also effective for autistic teens and young adults. Occupational therapists use Play to assist children in developing essential life skills. Meanwhile, speech therapists work to improve verbal abilities. This treatment enhances communication skills in persons with autism.
Antidepressants are another popular therapy option. Anxiety, despair, and hyperactive symptoms can all be reduced with psychiatric drugs. These medications, however, have adverse effects. The dose of these medications will differ from person to person.
Parental stress has been shown in studies to alter the symptoms of autistic children. A new study found a link between parental stress and the severity of autistic symptoms. The intensity of autistic symptoms was likewise connected to mothers' levels of despair and anxiety. Externalizing behaviors, on the other hand, were unrelated to parenting stress.
According to the findings, parental engagement and coping are essential mediators of parenting stress. The engagement variable had a more significant influence than the other two. These data suggest encouraging involvement, good coping, and emotional support may impact autistic symptoms. This study has far-reaching ramifications for both parents and children.
Parents may be unaware that the stress they feel while caring for a kid with autism might harm the child's development. While parents should continue to be their child's most vocal advocates, they should also seek proper medical treatment to avoid future harm.